Friday, March 05, 2010

Adriana Zarate

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

"Tenuit et me tremor"
oil on canvas

Artist’s statement January, 2010 Adriana Zarate Most of my work is influenced by the work of some great master painters such as Hans Holbein and Egon Schiele, I appreciate the perfection and expression that they applied in their paintings. My work is interdisciplinary and covers topics such as existentialism, life and soul searching. This is how the series “Try to breathe” and “Tenuit et me tremor” were made, in which I work with technical virtuosity to create a visual impact and to show a contemporary portrait of my life and social experience. For a couple of years I've been working a series called “Hard Candy” in which some little girls interact in scenes where each is sweet but evil, to hurt themselves and live in a hostile environment, creating an ironic portrait in a surreal world.

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